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These are both Law of Attraction and Cancer Coaching testimonials.

More Cancer Coaching testimonials will follow soon.

Dr Caroline van der Westhiuzen

Dr Caroline van der Westhiuzen, UK

I would completely recommend Julia Lee for Radical Remission coaching. I have been working with her for a couple of months now and can honestly say that she is a catalyst for change. Julia is super talented with her innate ability to ask the right questions, to really listen to what I was saying, understand what I was actually saying and then come up with a number of strategies that I’ve implemented. She has given me the framework and space to look within and come up with some “eureka” moments. Julia helped me focus on what my real challenges were, with insights into patterns that were holding me back and resolution of these issues. 


But that is not all! Julia is an inspiration in so many ways. She’s trodden this road herself and her lived experience means she really gets what I am going through and what I need. She is so knowledgeable and uses this to gently guide me in a strong, positive and much happier direction. She is warm and caring, she has deep empathy, she consistently supports me and cheers me on. I am so happy I found Julia, she is a treasure, and I am incredibly grateful that our paths have crossed.

Kate, UK

I want to say a huge ‘thank you’ and must tell you that you are talked and thought about often!  The coaching sessions proved useful from the very first one.  I have learned strategies to be as happy and positive in life as I can and want to be.  I am more appreciative about my life.  I realise I can continue to grow as a person and this helps with how I feel about myself and also my relationships.  I also realise there is a benefit to those I love and come into contact with.  I really liked your style and your voice.  You were very easy to talk and listen to, and always gave me the time I needed.  You are with me many times and I am sure will continue to be in the future – like a Guardian Angel.  My mantra, “What would Julia say?  How would I talk to Julia about this?”  That feels positive to me!!

Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach
Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach

Paula, UK

From the start it was clear that Julia had a natural ability to be able to tune in to what I wasn’t seeing, one of the most valuable skills a coach can offer.  With her gentle but laser like way of seeing, again and again I was intrigued to recognise habits and parts of myself that I never knew existed but were clearly stopping me achieving my goals.  I’ve paid significant amounts of money for coaching, both before and after my work with Julia, but I can honestly say she’s one of the most gifted coaches I’ve worked with and I would unreservedly recommend connecting with her if you’re looking for coaching help.

Adele, UK

Before approaching Julia, I had been considering working with a life coach for some time to address long term issues around family conflict. I wanted someone I could trust who would understand what I couldn’t always articulate.


I was able to speak confidentially without fear of judgement and learned that it was okay to take the weight of the world off my shoulders. I learned to look at all challenges from a different perspective, and to relinquish the responsibility of being the person to fix family situations. I don’t know what state my relationships with my family would be in now if it wasn’t for Julia’s words of encouragement and guidance.


If you have long term concerns that are unresolved or seem insurmountable, I would not hesitate to recommend Julia to help you find clarity so you can move your life forward. She is a warm, kind and patient person with deep insight.

Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach
Rise from Cancer Radical Remission Coach

Cin, Northern Ireland

I was overweight, unmotivated and just basically lacking any real get up and go. I signed up for some sessions with Julia with the attitude of ‘well what have I got to lose?’ As it happened it turned out that what I had to lose was a bunch of weight, a major procrastination problem and the ignorance with which I was missing what was happening right under my nose. I was taking my family for granted, I was tired all the time because I wasn’t organised and I lacked direction.


Julia helped me recognise that you get out of relationships what you put in, and two years later I can honestly say me and my husband are in the best place emotionally than we have been at in seven years. We are spending more time together because we have a social media curfew which means that electronics go off at 6pm to allow for quality family time. It has been amazing to actually sit and talk and remember why we are together, it really has brought us closer.


I am much more organised and focused as I plan out my days now. Julia also helped me see that some things you thought were out of your reach are worth fighting for, and in that spirit, I stood for election as a national representative at my University and I won! I never would have gone for it if I hadn’t changed my outlook, and that was Julia’s influence. And for my studies, that level of focus has led me to be graduating again this October, and starting a Masters too.

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